Reviewing Grants

I have been working with the Office of Head Start, reviewing grant applications for the past 4 months. I never thought that I would enjoy reading grants, writing comments and attaching scores as much as I do. I see each grant as a puzzle. It is my job to solve the puzzle and ensure that the applicant has a plan to meet the requirements of the Funding Announcement Opportunity. I like the structure of the review process with the diversity of each application. I find joy in completing the work and I find fulfillment of being able to work from home.

Life is funny. I enjoy reading grants. I enjoy stretching my brain by increasing my knowledge of different interpretations of the Head Start Performance Standards and the Head Start Act. I know that I am helping to make a difference by participating in the review process. It is about identifying agencies that are able to provide high quality services. These agencies make the direct impact on people’s lives, but I get to be part of that by not only scoring applications, but also by providing feedback that can help the agency strengthen its weaknesses and enhance its strengths. I am also helping local communities that receive these Head Start grants based on my and the other reviewers’ evaluations. New Head Start and Early Head Start grants not only provide education and family services for the community but also provide opportunities for employment and economic growth. I am part of the job creation process as well as the community development process.

Life is good when you can do a job that you love and know that you are helping make the world be a better place.